Loudoun Sports Training

Shooting Machine

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The Dr. Dish Shooting Machine offers benefits such as improving shooting accuracy, enhancing muscle memory, and providing consistent practice opportunities for basketball players. It allows for efficient and focused training sessions. One of its most significant benefits lies in the precision and consistency it brings to shooting practice. By allowing players to take hundreds of shots in a short period, the machine facilitates muscle memory development, enabling shooters to refine their technique and increase shooting percentages significantly.

Our services
  • Individual Shooting
  • Group Shooting
Dr Dish
the benefit

Moreover, the shooting machine’s ability to provide instant feedback allows players and coaches to identify areas of improvement quickly. By analyzing shooting metrics, such as shooting percentages, shot arc, and release speed, players can make necessary adjustments to their technique, leading to continuous improvement and mastery of their shooting skills

DATE : Available every day

TYPE : Personal/group

TIME : Customization available

PRICING : Contact [email protected]



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